Wednesday, 19 September 2012

My Board Game

Race Around The World

This is a board I made for Game Design & Production.

What's it about?
Race around the world is basically a simple board game that allows 2 to 4 players in a race around the world. It also tests your knowledge about important facts which occurred in different countries. The blocks on the board represent the areas where you are traveling. Players move by using a dice and whoever gets the end wins a $1 million.

Rules: Players must go forward at all times unless told to via the red or green cards. When a player lands on a red stop sign he/she must pick up a red card and obey the instructions. When a person lands on a green stop sign, he/she must obey the instructions. If 2 or more players land on the same block the other person has to choose a country in which they must say a fact or something important or unique about the country. If the person cannot answer all the questions asked by the other players, he/she must go back two spaces.

Compliments to my Game Design Group:
Wes' board game was sick. Keerthana's board was off the hook. Her game had Brett so angry cause he had  to start over so many times. In her game, every time someone lands in the same block as you, you have to go back to the beginning. I loved it though. Probably because I was lucky and didn't have to start over as much as Wesley and Brett. I actually got far in the game.

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