Monday, 26 November 2012

Health Game

Health Game

The goal of this game is to educate players as to the fun and interesting facts about the fruits and vegetables they eat daily.

Game Pieces:
The game comes with a game board, 4 game pieces, crop cards, pair of dice, points recording sheet.


  •  2 to 4 players
  • player is allowed to pick one card
  • the more you collect cards the more points you gain
  • every player must make three complete rounds around the board
  • players can challenge the other players by asking important facts about the crops they have collected
  • If they are answered correctly, proceed with the game, but if not, the player has to give away the cards to the other player
  • If a player has finished all three rounds and everyone is still not finished then he/she can still go around the board and collect more points
  • the players with the most points wins the game

Making the Game




Apples float because 25% of their volume is air.
The largest apple ever picked weighed three pounds, two ounces.

The botanical name for a peach is: Prunus persica
The peach originated in China, where it is the symbol of long life, and one of the most ancient domesticated fruits in China. 

Leeks are one of the easiest plants to grow in your home garden.
In America, Leeks are commonly found in most areas of Texas throughout the year, but especially in late spring and during the winter.

Cabbage is considered Russia’s national food. Russians eat about seven times as much cabbage as the average North American.
There is a legend told to children that babies come from Cabbage Patches.

Asparagus is a member of the Lily family.
Asparagus spears grow from a crown that is planted about a foot deep in sandy soils.

Kale was assumed to originate in Greece, with early historic records on the Romans calling it Sabelline Cabbage.
Cabbage like kale smell bad because of sulfur and mustard compounds in the plant released from cooking.

Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside.
The average strawberry has 200 seeds.

Blueberries are one of the only natural foods that are truly blue in color.
July is national blueberry month because that is the peak of the harvest season.

The blackberry is an aggregate fruit that is composed of many smaller fruits called drupes.
Blackberries are red and hard when they are immature and turn black and shiny when they ripen.

Approximately 90 percent of the garlic grown in the United States is grown in California.
Garlic, along with onions and chives, is a member of the lily family.

“Pumpkin” first appeared in the 17th century when the Cinderella fairy tale was written.
Pumpkin seeds help avoid prostate cancer in men.

1/2 cantaloupe contains 100% of recommended daily vitamins A and C, plus lots of potassium
It has only 60 calories per cup

Friday, 23 November 2012



Made by: Game Dev Girls + 1 

 Game Necessities  


-Bollywood CD (should have 18 different Bollywood songs)

-CD player/computer 


It's that simple 



 Remember: green means easy, yellow means medium, and red means hard


Step 1: Divide yourselves into two groups

Step 2: Decide which group will be the judges and dancers
Step 3: The dancing group spins the spinner. Whatever colour the spinner lands on, that is the song category that must be played. The group must now look at the video and try to imitate the dance steps.

Step 4:Use the spinner to determine which difficulty to choose from. Green is easy, yellow is medium, and red is hard.  Choose a song from the difficulty level and imitate the dance. Everybody in the group has to participate.  At the end of the performance, the judges now have to disqualify the worst dancer.

Step 5:  Once the judges have eliminated a dancer, you switch. Now the judges become dancers and the dancers become judges. Follow step 3 again.

Winning the Game

Whoever is left standing after everyone has been eliminated wins the game. 

What if:

The same songs are chosen?
Answer: Songs in the same difficulty cannot be chosen again until the whole difficulty has been completed once.

More than two people are fairly good dancers?
Answer:  Do not eliminate them. Continue the game as normal.

There are too many people playing or vice versa?

Answer: There is a minimum of 4 different players or groups.  This allows for no stalemates in judging as the performing group cannot give a pass or not.  

Types of Play

There are two modes you can choose from.  Elimination or Point based rounds.  Both modes still use the same judging system however in Elimination if you fail two rounds you are eliminated, however you will still judge.  The point based system gives your group one point per pass on a round.   Decide how many rounds everybody wants to play. They can choose 3, 7 or 10 rounds.  The group with the most points win.

The winning group gets to single out a person to do a dance of their request.

 Creating the Game

We made the spinner out of cardboard and just cut it into a circle and coloured it the colours green, red, and yellow. The actual spinner was an actual  Bollywood dancer. It was an excellent idea on my part. 

As for the songs, we researched them on Youtube and other song sites. We made sure and picked the songs that were appropriate, has good dance steps, and fun as well.  



 It was fun making this game. In addtion, it was educational in terms of learning about the Indian culture. I got to listen and dance to some of the Bollywood songs played on our CD. I just thought it was interesting and fun. We had some good laughs. 


Monday, 5 November 2012


Storytelling in Games


What is your name? Gender? Race? Age?
Answer: My name is Isabella Penelope Madero. I am female. I am Mexican. I am 26 years old.

Where were you born?
Answer: I was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. My entire family is from there and still lives there.

What year is it now?
Answer: It is 1911 

Do you have a romantic partner? If so whom?
Answer: Yes I do have a romantic partner. My husband's name is Fransisco I Madero.

Who is your best friend and what is he/she like? 
Answer: I do not have a best friend.

What is your economic situation?
Answer: Currently, the Mexican Revolution is in effect. It is led  by my husband Fransisco. He is leading a group of men to go against President Diaz.

Would you steal? How would you feel about lying? Can you be trusted by your friends?
Answer: I will only steal when it is necessary.In general, I will feel bad about lying but, if it is to protect my family then I will do it with no regrets. Yes i can be trusted by people.

What makes you happy? What makes you sad?
Answer: My children make me happy. The situation happening with the politics in my country and the fact that my husband is in a position where President might kill him makes very sad and frightened for his life as well as the men following him.

Are you afraid to die?

Do you have any phobias?
 Answer:I am afraid of drowning. I have this fear of water when it is higher than my waist.

Are you quick tempered or patient?
Answer: I am very patient with people.